Hello, I am

Manish Sundriyal.

Software Artisan

Crafting exceptional digital experiences, specializing in scaling projects and teams.

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About Me

manish image

Hello there! I'm Manish, a developer hailing from the diverse tech landscape of India.

My coding journey began in 2017 as an Android Developer Intern, and like a well-crafted story, it smoothly transitioned into the exciting world of web development. Today, I proudly hold the position of Software Engineer - Fullstack at  Probo, where I happily contribute to creating accessible and user-friendly products.

When I'm not immersed in the PERN stack, you can catch me spreading knowledge and good vibes by mentoring folks in my free time. I collaborate with organizations like pesto.tech  and feaindia.org because sharing is caring, even in the coding realm!


  1. SEPT 2020 — PRESENT
    SDE 2, PeopleGrove
    • Implemented bulk email service using Postmark, replacing Sendgrid for cost reduction.
    • Implemented an access control management tool for admins.
    • Worked on features like groups, programs, and career paths.
    • Icons Audit: Migrated icons from codebase to CDN to reduce overall bundle size.
    • Designed a widget enabling users to ask questions, utilized the ChatGPT API to generate specific queries, and directed them to relevant experts for responses
    • Developed migration scripts for seamless user data updates at scale.
    • Collaborated with the design team to address platform-wide accessibility issues, ensuring compliance and securing accessibility certification.
  2. JULY 2018 — SEPT 2020
    Associate Engineer, Successive Technologies
    Software Engineer - Trainee
    • Implemented bulk email service using Postmark, replacing Sendgrid for cost reduction.
    • Implemented an access control management tool for admins.
    • Worked on features like groups, programs, and career paths.
    • Icons Audit: Migrated icons from codebase to CDN to reduce overall bundle size.
    • Designed a widget enabling users to ask questions, utilized the ChatGPT API to generate specific queries, and directed them to relevant experts for responses
    • Developed migration scripts for seamless user data updates at scale.
    • Collaborated with the design team to address platform-wide accessibility issues, ensuring compliance and securing accessibility certification.
  1. DEC 2022 — PRESENT
    Tech Mentor, Pesto Tech

    Working as a tech mentor for the Plus program. Mentored 17+ students so far in the following technologies: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, NodeJs, ExpressJS, ReaactJS, Redux, MySQL, MongoDB, Data Structures, Algorithms, and System Design.

  2. DEC 2017 — FEB 2018
    Software Developer Intern, Daphnis Labs

    Developed the features to analyze and manage data in the admin and analytics web panel of the Perb health & fitness Android application.

  3. SEPT 2017 — NOV 2017
    Teaching Assistant, Coding Blocks

    Worked as a teaching assistant for the Algorithms & Data Structures course, helped students to clear their doubts in algorithms and data structures. Prepared assignment problems and reviewed student's solution codes to help them in writing fast and efficient code.

Get in Touch

Looks like you'd like to connect with me. You might want to connect with me because

  • Exploring Opportunities: Interested in potential collaborations, partnerships, or other opportunities? Let's discuss how we can create positive outcomes together.
  • Seeking Mentorship: If you're looking for guidance and mentorship, I'm here to share my knowledge and experience.
  • Project Assistance: Need help with a project? Whether it's brainstorming ideas or hands-on support, I'm ready to contribute.
  • Invitation: Planning an event or collaboration? Extend an invitation, and let's explore exciting opportunities together.
  • Feedback and Suggestions: Your insights and recommendations are invaluable. Whether it's feedback or suggestions, I'm eager to hear your thoughts.